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How to Stop Your Dog from Peeing on the Bed.


Every dog owner knows the joy and unconditional love that dogs bring into our lives. However, like any relationship, pet ownership also comes with its challenges.

One common issue dog owners face is coming home to find that Fido has left an unwelcome surprise on the bed. If you've found yourself asking why your dog pees on your bed, you're not alone.

Understanding why this happens is the first step towards finding a solution. Here at Holler, we're not just about providing quality dog accessories, but also about helping you nurture a happy and respectful relationship with your pet.

Why Do Dogs Pee on Beds?

Dog behaviour can seem mystifying at times, but it's usually driven by simple underlying causes. There are a few common reasons why your dog might be peeing on your bed:

  • Dominance: Dogs sometimes pee on items or places to mark their territory. If your dog views your bed as a desirable space, they might be peeing on it to claim it as their own.
  • Anxiety: Dogs may pee when they're anxious, scared, or overly excited. This could happen if they associate your bed with you and are experiencing separation anxiety.
  • Medical Issues: If your dog is suddenly peeing on your bed and they've never done it before, it might be a sign of a medical problem. Certain conditions like urinary tract infections can cause your dog to lose control of their bladder.
  • Incomplete House Training: If your dog isn’t fully house trained, they might not understand that your bed is off-limits.
  • Ageing and Loss of Bladder Control: As dogs age, they may lose some control over their bladder. This can be due to a general weakening of muscles or specific age-related conditions. If your older dog is suddenly peeing on your bed, it could be a sign of this natural ageing process.
  • Changes in the Environment: Dogs can be sensitive to changes in their environment. This could be a move to a new house, the arrival of a new family member, or even rearrangement of furniture. Such changes might stress your dog and lead them to pee on your bed as a way of expressing their unease.
  • Lack of Access to Appropriate Spots: If your dog doesn't have regular access to their regular bathroom spots, they might resort to peeing on your bed. This can happen if their outdoor time is reduced or if they're confined to a space without access to their usual peeing spots.

How to Stop Your Dog from Peeing on the Bed

The solution to your dog peeing on your bed largely depends on the reason. Here are a few strategies for how to stop your dog peeing on the bed.

Proper House Training

Ensuring your dog is fully house trained is the first and most crucial step in stopping your dog from peeing on your bed. Your canine companion needs to understand that the bed is off-limits for any sort of bathroom business.

You can achieve this by firmly (but kindly) directing them to their designated bathroom spot each time you catch them trying to relieve themselves on the bed.

Positive reinforcement plays a key role in this process. Reward them with a treat or praise whenever they urinate in the correct area. This will help them associate good behaviour with rewards and speed up the learning process.

Regular Bathroom Breaks

Another effective way to stop your dog from peeing on the bed is to ensure they have plenty of bathroom breaks throughout the day.

Just like humans, dogs cannot hold their bladders indefinitely. If they don't get ample opportunities to relieve themselves outdoors, they'll be forced to go indoors. Regular walks and letting them out in the backyard several times a day can significantly reduce the chances of accidents happening indoors.

It's not just about the number of bathroom breaks, but also their timing. Dogs typically need to pee when they wake up, before bed, and after meals or playtime.

Medical Check-up

The sudden onset of your dog peeing on your bed could be indicative of underlying medical issues. Conditions such as urinary tract infections, bladder stones, diabetes, or kidney disease could result in incontinence.

It's crucial to consult with your vet if your dog's behaviour changes suddenly. They can perform necessary tests to rule out any medical conditions causing this issue. Addressing any health-related causes can effectively stop your dog from peeing on the bed.

Remember, your dog's health and wellbeing are paramount. You can't solve behavioural issues if there's a medical problem that needs to be addressed first.

Behavioural Training

If you've ruled out medical issues and incomplete house training, your dog might be peeing on your bed due to behavioural reasons. Dominance or anxiety-related issues could be culprits.

Consulting with a professional dog trainer or a canine behaviourist could be beneficial in these cases. They can help identify the root cause of the behaviour and provide tailored strategies to address it. This could involve behavioural modification training, desensitisation techniques, or even anxiety-relieving therapies in some cases.

Product Care

Using pet-friendly, washable bed covers and blankets can also help manage this issue. These products are designed with your dog's comfort and hygiene in mind, as well as the preservation of your furniture. Washable covers can be cleaned regularly, ensuring that any lingering smells don't encourage your dog to pee on the bed again.

Additionally, keeping your dog's environment clean and hygienic contributes to their overall wellbeing, which in turn can positively impact their behaviour. It's not just about cleaning up after an incident, but also about creating an environment that discourages inappropriate urination.

Use of Puppy Pads

If your dog's bed-peeing behaviour is a recurrent problem, you might consider using puppy pee pads as a temporary solution. These absorbent, waterproof pads can be placed on the bed and serve as an emergency toilet for your dog. While this doesn't solve the problem entirely, it helps protect your furniture and can give you peace of mind, especially if you're away from home.

During this time, you should work on the other strategies mentioned earlier, like house training or addressing medical issues. Pee pads should be seen as a stop-gap measure, not a long-term solution, as your ultimate goal should be to have your dog pee outside or in designated areas.

Communication and Patience

Last but not least, remember the importance of patience and communication when dealing with your dog's unwanted behaviour. It can be frustrating to come home to a mess, but remember that your dog isn't doing this to spite you. They're likely confused, anxious, or unable to control their bladder. Punishing or scolding your dog could worsen the problem, especially if the cause is anxiety or fear.

Instead, try to communicate with your dog calmly and firmly. Reward good behaviour and offer comfort if they're feeling scared. With time, consistency, and lots of love, you can help your dog overcome this habit.

Addressing the Issue in Female Dogs

If you're particularly puzzled over how to stop a female dog from peeing on the bed, rest assured, the strategies are the same.

However, it's worth noting that unspayed female dogs might pee more often due to hormonal changes. If this is the case, discussing spaying options with your vet could be beneficial.

Final Thoughts on Managing Your Dog's Bed-Peeing Behaviour

Bringing an end to your dog's bed-peeing habit might seem like a daunting task, but remember, every dog-related challenge is an opportunity to strengthen the bond with your furry friend.

Whether it's thorough house training, providing regular bathroom breaks, addressing possible medical issues, seeking behavioural training, using washable covers, temporary use of pee pads, or simply displaying an abundance of patience and clear communication, you have an array of strategies at your disposal.

These strategies work irrespective of the dog's sex, with the added consideration of hormonal changes in unspayed females.

At Holler, we're committed to helping you navigate all aspects of pet ownership. From providing quality dog beds and accessories to offering guidance on behavioural issues, we are here to support you every step of the way.

Finally, remember that understanding and patience are key. It may take some time to see progress, but with consistency and love, you and your dog will get there. Enjoy the journey of pet ownership — after all, it's the shared moments, challenges overcome, and the loving companionship that make it all worthwhile!

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